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What We Target

We recognise that economic, social and environmental issues and impacts should be considered as part of good business practice and embedded in our values.


To become major Indian global consulting agency, constantly endeavoring sustainable innovation being strong as roots and achieving growth with rational observations.


To be a cardinal construction consultancy and contribute to the development of the Nation’s economy by optimum use of resources and performance as a part of our corporate social responsibility.

Design Goals

Effective building systems are to be designed with utmost care and concern to satisfy the safety, statutory and functional requirements.

What we are

“Vrukshagra Consulting Services (VCS)” is a multidisciplinary consultancy which endeavors span across Sustainability & Energy Efficiency, Engineering, and Management considering Efficiency in terms of energy aspects, Time, cost, Quality and innovative solutions to our clients in Building, Industrial & Infrastructure Construction projects. VCS is based in Surat, India established in 2010 by a spirited team of highly qualified engineers, the firm is today one of the fastest growing consultancy firms working in the fields of Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Piping/Plumbing) Design and Management consultancy in State and nationally.